Hello, my name is Connor Jimmo and I am enrolled in the Web and Mobile development program and I am also the recipient of the YU Tech Bursary thanks to Alongside, Dovico and Oulton College.
I chose to take this program because of my love and passion for programming. This program is ideal for me because it allows me to be creative and technical at the same time. It’s a very high demand field so I’m confident that I will be in the work force shortly after graduation. Oulton College was a standout to me because they offered the course that I was looking for and because I would be able to complete the course in one year and get right into the work force instantly. I also chose to come to Oulton College because of their amazing reputation. I can proudly say that I attend the best College in Moncton and I can even look back years from now and remember my accomplishments.
My experience at the College so far, this year has been amazing. The Instructors are awesome people and are always there for you when needed. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are when going into the program, if you’re starting off fresh or if you have experience in the topic, they will make sure that you get the help you need to succeed as well as making sure that you have the most fun that you can in your year. I met so many great people in my classes and we all support each other. Its almost like a second family to me. If you want the best College experience you can get, as well as getting the education you need to be successful, I highly recommend Oulton College. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day